My name is Megan Nel and I am a qualified teacher for the last 15 years. We all know teachers tend to not earn a huge wage (Its not new to the industry and its public knowledge). So as a wife I decided to take the matter into my own hands and decided to pursue a life as a blogger.

We stay in a pretty decent suburb but the cost of living has escalated drastically over the last few years and we can’t live off one wage anymore. This is why I have turned to casino blogging part time to generate a few extra bucks in the bank at the end of each month. I love writing about the ins and outs of the casino industry, its a fascinating topic that everyone should get into.

Enough about my sad woes in life, this blog is about you and where I stand. Like I said I am a wife with 2 little ones (Boy and a girl), the perfect picket fence story. We as a family enjoy the outdoors and get out of the city as often as we can. I would give anything for my family.

If you have any questions regarding online casino blogger be sure to reach out to me and I will gladly assist any questions you may have. Looking forward to the new venture in the online casino space.
